An Indonesian antique water vessel for use as a planter for your garden adds a unique and natural flow to your landscape. This vessel is an oval shape standing 18.5 inches tall, 26 inches wide and 46 inches long. Beautiful, light in color limestone and textured with mineral deposits gives it an organic feel. Over 100 years old this sturdy stone planter has a life that can be imagined in its patina of wear. When taking into account the incredible history of Indonesia it is fun to imagine what this vessel may have lived through; World War I, the eruption of Mt. Kelud, The Battle of the Java Sea, and the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence all in the first half of the 20th century. An incredible journey around the world brings the well lived vessel to your garden to add prominent elegance. We offer several antique limestone vessels from Java as companion pieces, but this is the only one that is oblong oval, almost trough like, making it the most unique of the bunch and an important piece to consider if one is attempting symmetry in there garden landscape design.